Sanitary Butterfly Valve (Ys)



This type ofvalve is a series of automatic or manually operated butterfly valve series, because it can handle viscous good or containing particles in the medium, which is widely used in food and beverage processing, and pharmaceutical and chemical industry pipeline systemm regulation, control ofmedium flowtype valve

Work principle

This type ofvalve can be operated either by an electric actuator or a pneumatic actuator, or by a handle.

The electric actuator or pneumatic actuator converts the axial movement of a piston to a 90 degree rotation ofthe valve shaft to reallze the opening or closing, and the control of the fluid in the pipeline and the operation of the opening and closing. The pneumatic actuator device has three standards: normallyopen (NO), normallyclosed (NC), gas/gas (AVA).

Duckbill type manual operation function to handle 15°degrees through adjusting the position ofthe valve mechanical lockin the open or closed 12 seats, to control the flowrate ofthe mediumn: Pull rod type manual operation with the handle through the 4 multi-function positioning, mechanical locking valve in the 4 seat open or closed, but also to achleve the purpose ofcontroling theflowofmedia.

Material :

Steelcomponents:stainlesssteel304,stainless steel316L.

Sealing ring: silicon rubber (VMQ) fluorine rubber(FPM) Three yuan (EPDM) polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE)